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Byron Beach Park, 88

Dan McClelland

Byron Beach Park, a respected immigration lawyer and longtime resident of Tupper Lake passed away on June 22, 2024. He missed his birthday by four days. He would have been 89 on June 26th.

Born in Stevens Point, Wisconsin, Byron dedicated his life to the pursuit of justice and the protection of immigrants' rights. In Tupper Lake, he met his wife Jeanne Park.

He received his undergraduate degree from Cornell University before earning his law degree from the University of Virginia School of Law. Upon graduation, he moved to the San Francisco Bay area to practice law.

Throughout his distinguished career, Byron specialized in immigration law, tirelessly advocating for those seeking a better life in the United States. His compassion, expertise, and unwavering commitment to his clients earned him a reputation as a skilled and empathetic attorney.

Byron is survived by his son John Park, and his daughter Andrea Yelle. He will be deeply missed by his family, friends, colleagues, and the many lives he touched throughout his career.

Byron Beach Park's dedication to justice and his tireless work in immigration law left an indelible mark on his community and the legal profession. He will be remembered for his kindness, integrity, and unwavering commitment to helping others achieve their American dream.