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Betty A. Vaillancourt, 82

Dan McClelland

Betty A. Vaillancourt, 82, passed away peacefully at her home on March 13, 2023.

She was born on May 29, 1940 to George (Fred) Lamay and Marie Russell in Fort Covington, N.Y.

She was married to the late Yvon Vaillancourt who passed away in 2014. She was predeceased by two sons, Leslie T. Boyea III in 2000 and Michael Clark in 2022 and by one sister Joan Ostrander in 2013.

Betty is survived by her daughter, Debra (Danny) Lancor; two sons, Donald (Tina) Clark, all of Tupper Lake, and Leon (Paula) Boyea of Lyons, Kansas. She is also survived by many grandchildren and great grandchildren.

A mass of Christian burial will be held at St. Alphonsus -Holy Name of Jesus Church on Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 11 a.m. A celebration of life gathering will be held immediately following the mass at the VFW Post in Tupper Lake. Interment will be held on May 20, 2023 at St. Alphonsus Cemetery.

Memorial donations may be made to the Tri-Lakes Humane Society or the American Cancer Society.