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Rod Beaulieu, 102

Dan McClelland

Rod Beaulieu, 102 passed on March 8th peacefully at his home on Fort Myers Beach. He had been under hospice care for the past two months.

Born in Massena to Frank and Dorothy Beaulieu, he attended Massena schools and following graduation went to work for ALCOA Aluminum. He served in the Naval Aircorp.

Eventually moving to Tupper Lake, for years he was a very successful contractor, building many homes, motels and businesses. His company built most of the houses on Lincoln Drive and created the ChurchSt. Apartment complex.

He was an avid golfer and played into his 90s. He served for a number of years on the golf course board. He was also a member of the Tupper Lake Lions club, serving at one point as its president.

Rod also particularly enjoyed his summers in Tupper Lake with Betsy at their trailer on River Road.

Rod is survived by his wife, Betsy, three stepsons and several grandchildren and great grandchildren who referred to him as Pop. A son, Gary predeceased him. At this time no services are planned.