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Clyde Alexander Reandeau, 71

Dan McClelland

Clyde Alexander Reandeau, 71, died at the Champlain Valley Physicians' Hospital on Thursday, March 30, 2023. He was the son of Alexander Reandeau, Jr. and Alice Simons Reandeau.

Clyde loved music and was in a high school band that played for many school dances. He graduated from the Tupper Lake High School in 1970.

He served in the Army and was stationed at different bases in the United States, but spent most of his military career in Korea, where he was a Communications Specialist.

After coming home, he worked as a wingman for the Town of Altamont, spent a winter working the lifts at Big Tupper Ski Slope, and then joined the staff at Sunmount as a Developmental Aide. He retired after 30 years of service.

Clyde was a quiet man, but touched so many lives with his kindness. He loved to sit on his porch rocker and watch the world go by. His dry sense of humor brought on peals of laugher. He is dearly missed by his family and friends.

He is survived by his daughter, Chrystal Billman, two grandsons, Keiden Annette and Carter Billman, whom he dearly loved, one brother, Floyd (Lynn) Reandeau, three sisters, Linda (Jean-Louis) Desharnais, Elaine (Roger) Mitchell, Sadie (Dan) Spada, Patricia Reandeau, his sister-in-law, five nieces and nephews, and several great and great-great nieces and great nephew. He was predeceased by his parents, his brother Paul, and his nephew Chad Mitchell.

Calling hours will be held at a future date at the convenience of the family.

Condolences may be made online at