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Stella Marie Dawson-LaRochelle, 61

Dan McClelland

LaRochelle, Stella.jpeg

Stella Marie Dawson-LaRochelle, 61, mother of four, passed away at her home in Cadyville on December 1, 2020. A private service will be held at a future date at the convenience of the family. If you want to attend please contact one of her children. Arrangements are under the care and direction of Frary-Spaulding Funeral Home.

Mrs. LaRochelle was born January 2, 1959 in Saranac Lake to the late Veronica Martin and Edward Dawson.

She lived in Saranac Lake, Tupper Lake, Malone and then Cadyville. She worked as a home health aide for a number of years then became a cashier at Grand Union/Tops Supermarket in Tupper Lake and loved bringing joy to people's lives everyday.

She loved playing with her grandchildren, enjoyed cooking as well as watching movies and TV, and loved playing games on her tablet.

Stella was a dedicated loving mother and grandmother who loved making people feel good and bringing a smile to their face.

Stella is survived by her brother Perry Dawson; her four children Michael Theriault, Christina LaRochelle, Lora LaRochelle, and Rocky LaRochelle; and two grandchildren Brooklyn Boyea and Olivia Goldie.

Her children say: “Dear mom: You fell asleep without goodbye, But memories of you will never die.”

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