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“ADK Bark in the Park” Sunday draws dogs of all kinds

Dan McClelland

by Dan McClelland

The Tupper Lake Municipal Park was populated with dozens of friendly dogs Saturday and their loving owners when the Tri-Lakes Humane Society returned its popular “ADK Bark in the Park” there Sunday.

From mutts to special breeds, the canines sniffed and slept and overall just seemed to enjoy themselves in the pet-friendly atmosphere of the afternoon. All dogs were leashed, in keeping with the rules of the event

The event is the society’s major fundraiser of the year, and while we don’t have any numbers to report yet, it appeared to be very successful.

Mother Nature couldn’t have been kinder to the humane society for a fall event. With the mercury in the low eighties F., Sunday, like Saturday, was a bright sunny day.

The key sponsor of the humane society event was again the Adirondack Regional Federal Credit Union in this the sixth annual fundraiser.

Credit Union staff members helped out the society’s volunteers, operating the refreshment stands and such.

The Rotary Pavilion area of the park was cordoned off and ringed by over a dozen vendors- selling an assortment of pet apparel and treats.

Inside the pavilion, one of musical legends of the North Country, Double Axel, produced exceptional versions of popular covers from the 1960s and 1970s.

The band was a must-have for the organizers of high school proms and dances for over four decades.

Dozens of folks sat in the shade of the pavilion all afternoon to listen to their great tunes.

Humane society mainstays Kim Charland and Lea Bedore were again two of the key organizers of Sunday’s successful fundraiser.