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Snowmobile club’s Vintage Snowmobile Show set for Sept. 21

Dan McClelland

by Dan McClelland

The Tupper Lake Snowmobile Club will be whetting appetites of local and regional sledders on Saturday, September 21 when it presents its sixth annual Vintage Snowmobile Show.

That day, beginning at 8a.m., the grounds of the Tupper Lake Municipal Park, adjacent to the Rotary Pavilion will be dotted with antique snowmobiles and unique winter rides- some dating back to the late 1950s.

In recent years the show has attracted entries from all over the Northeast and Canada- and some of the exhibitors of the unique early snow rides have interesting stories to tell.

The show is again directed by the leaders of the local snowmobile club, Reese and Kelly Fleury and organizing help is expected to again come from club members, as it has in the past.

The sled registration is a very affordable $5 per sled with a maximum per exhibitor of only $15.

There will again be trophies in the various classes, and the award ceremony will be about 2p.m., after which the show will close.

Judges this year are some folks who are very knowledgeable about old and rare snowmobiles- Co-organizer Reese Fleury, a friend of Reese’s from Bolton Landing, Matt Braman and possibly a judge from past shows, Mark Fidler.

The show is free to all spectators and the snowmobile club encourages everyone to come out and inspect some of these very rare vintage sleds. For some it will be a trip back to when snowmobiling was brand new in the late 1950s and 1960s.

Another highlight of the day is a full line-up of raffles- including the annual alcohol basket of cheer, 50-50 and lottery raffles and new this year, various raffles involving a host of handy Milwaukee tools.

The Vintage Snowmobile Show is something of a season kick-off for the local snowmobile club, whose volunteers tackle an amazing amount of grooming of local trails over the winter months. The proceeds from the show goes to help underwrite the fuel and supplies for that work to make local trails the best they can be.