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Triad cancelled due to heavy rain, slippery trails

Dan McClelland

by Dan McClelland

The Tupper Lake Triad, the annual fall event where climbers are invited to tackle all three local mountains- Coney, Goodman and Mt. Arab- was cancelled late last week, with the forecast of heavy rains on event day Saturday.

The event is sponsored each year but Tupper Lake’s ROOST office and by the Tupper Lake Rotary Club.

ROOST Staffer Sue Fitzpatrick said Monday that before the 8a.m. start that morning she visited the start area south of the village to advise any late-comers of the cancellation. It turned out to be the right decision because about 9a.m. it poured, making for very slippery trail conditions. She said about 14 climbers tried the three anyway, and several met heavy rains on Mt. Arab half way up where they got soaked and headed back down.

Sue and ROOST’s marketing manager, Michelle Clement, worked various social media late last week to advise those who had expressed an interest in the event about the cancellation.

The triad continues to grow in popularity each year, and despite this year’s set back because of the weather, many want to come to try it next year, when the event promises to be bigger and better.