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Thèrése Leroux

Dan McClelland

(Marie) Thèrése Leroux passed away on January 6, 2024 at Mercy Healthcare where she had been a resident for a few months.

Thèrése was born on March 15,1930 to Eugene and Emerilda (Thibault) Parent in Berlin, N.H. She was the sixth of eight children and was educated in area schools. The family eventually settled in Lewiston, ME, where as a young woman, she was employed in local textile mills.

Thèrése moved to Tupper Lake in the early 1950’s and married Harry S. Kucipak on June 5, 1954 in Lewiston, Maine. She was predeceased by her husband Harry in 1977 and later married Rolland Leroux, who passed in 1986.

Thèrése was an accomplished seamstress who had her own business for a number of years and also worked at various jobs in the community. She was a fabulous baker and always provided beautiful desserts for family celebrations. Her nieces and nephews will remember her as “the fun aunt” who took them fishing, taught them to sew, and always had a laugh to share.

Thèrése is survived by her son, Gary Kucipak, of Tupper Lake, daughter-in-law, Olesya, granddaughter Yana, and shared a special relationship with her nieces, Sharon Allen and Maureen LoPresti, and nephew Gary Magher, and many other nieces and nephews. In addition to her husbands, she was also predeceased by her parents, brothers Henry and Paul Parent, sisters Margaret Roy, Jeanne Magher, Doris Roy, Rita Caron and Marie Parent.

A Mass of Christian Burial was offered at St. Alphonsus Holy Name Church on January 10, 2024. Burial took place at St. Alphonsus Cemetery on May 18 at noon.

Friends wishing to remember Thèrése may make memorial contributions to the Tupper Lake Rescue Squad.