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Norma M. LaFrance, 95

Dan McClelland

Norma Margaret LaFrance, 95, was born on July 4, 1927, in Buffalo N.Y. to Laura M. LaFrance-Gagnier and Wilfred A. Gagnier. After the death of her mother, she was adopted by her maternal grandmother and grandfather, Victoria and Louis LaFrance, where she spent her childhood in Tupper Lake.

In 1946 she married and moved to New Hyde Park, Long Island and welcomed her three children- Joanna, Wayne and Douglas.

In the 1970’s, Norma moved to San Jose where she started her career as a CNA and home health care aide, specializing in elderly and AID’s patients. Norma enjoyed many hobbies including reading 1-2 books a week, jewelry making, knitting, world travel to exotic countries (like Greece, India, and Egypt, just to mention a few), learning about world religions and cultures, and her community at the YMCA volunteering, working out, potlucks and friendships. There are many plaques and honors attributed to her volunteering there, where she was known as “The Greeter”. Norma was generous, compassionate, and loving with a fun, spicy and adventurous spirit.

Norma passed peacefully in her sleep on March 15, 2023 at her daughter’s home. She is survived by her brother Joseph W. Gagnier, daughter Joan (Joanna) Boylan, her four grandkids Joe (Joaquim), Laura, Beth, and Steven, and her great-grandchildren, including Anna Nicole Cook. She will be interred in the LaFrance family plot St. Alfonse Cemetery in Tupper Lake along with her mother. There are no services planned at this time.