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Raymond North, 84

Dan McClelland

Raymond S. North, 84, known as “Bim” to his nieces and nephews, passed peacefully in his home on April 20, 2023. Born in Conifer, New York to John R. North and Rosebell W. North on April 14, 1939, Raymond lived his entire life in Conifer, surrounded by family.

Well known for his maple syrup, Raymond began producing in 1964 and continued to do so this very season, aided by his nephews, Jay and John Rust, their families, and many friends. Raymond is also known  for his role in bringing back and coordinating the Tupper Lake Woodsmen's Field Days in the early 1980’s. Raymond also co-owned and operated John R. North & Sons Logging.

Raymond is survived by his three siblings: Haile North, Fern Rust, and John W. North, all of Conifer as well as many nieces and nephews, who will all miss him dearly. He is predeceased by his parents and his sisters Gwen Shumway, Minnie Cornell, and Audrey Gravelle (who passed in March).

A graveside service will be held at Gale Cemetery in Gale, New York on May 20, 2023, at 1:30 p.m.