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Loretto E. “Lorrie” Hosley, 82

Dan McClelland

Loretto E. “Lorrie” Hosley, 82, passed away peacefully Thursday morning, November 30, 2023, at her home, surrounded by her loving family.

Born on December 12, 1940, in Manhattan, she was the daughter of the late Chester and Dorothy (Matyi) Ehrbar. She earned a bachelor’s degree in history from George Washington University. After college she worked for the New York City Department of Social Services in lower Manhattan.

On July 12, 1964, she married Morrison “John” Hosley, Jr. in Summit, N.J. They moved back to John’s hometown of Long Lake, following his military discharge in April of 1972. It is there where she created the Hoss’s “empire,” operating Hoss’s Country Corner.

Lorrie enjoyed quilting, downhill skiing, and collectibles, especially postcards and baskets. Above all, she loved spending time with her family, especially her grandchildren.

She was an active member of St. Henry’s Parish and a past board member of Long Lake Central School.

She was predeceased by her parents; a sister, Mary Fallon, and a brother, Dan Ehrbar.

Survivors include her loving husband, John Hosley; one daughter, Julia (Marty) Pierce of Long Lake; three sons: Trip (Anita) Hosley of San Francisco, CA, Nathan (Trish) Hosley, and Matthew (Elizabeth) Hosley, all of Long Lake; eight grandchildren: Austin, Deuce, Camryn, Logan, Matthew, Jr., StJohn, Tommy, and Quinn; a brother, Robert Ehrbar of N.J.; a brother-in-law, Bill Fallon of Washington D.C.; several nieces and nephews.

A Funeral Mass was celebrated Monday, December 4 at St. Henry’s Church, Long Lake. The Rite of Committal was in Long Lake Cemetery.

A celebration of Lorrie’s life followed the burial at the Long View Lodge.

Contributions to some of Lorrie’s favorite local charities may be directed to: Venmo: @jules-pierce-624