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​Kathleen Sabre, 73

Dan McClelland

The family of Kathleen “Kathy” (Debien) Sabre, 73, sadly announces her passing on November 16, 2023 at Sentara Medical Center, Elizabeth City, NC, after a sudden decline in health. She was surrounded by her loving family.

​Kathy was born on August 11, 1950, in Massena NY, to Richard and Helen (Dumers) Debien. She graduated from Potsdam Central School in 1968. She married Jerry Sabre on August 1, 1970 at St. Alphonsus Church, Tupper Lake, NY, and together they lived and raised their family in the states of New York, Virginia, Florida, and North Carolina.

​Kathy dedicated her life to her family, fulfilling the role of a devoted and loving wife, mother, and grandmother.

​She is survived by her loving husband, Jerry, of 52 years, her two sons; Sean (Michele) Sabre, Cary, NC, grandchildren, Alexander, Brandon, Ethan, and Kaitlyn; and Cory (Ameda) Sabre of Maple, NC. Kathy was the eldest of 5 children and is survived by her 4 siblings; Debbie (Steve) Molnar, Louisville, NY; Christopher (Kathy) Debien, Vero Beach, FL; Linda (Gary) Taylor, Suffolk, VA; and Richard (Geraldine) Debien, Suffolk, VA, as well as several nieces and nephews.

​She was preceded in death by her parents, Richard and Helen (Dumers) Debien and a grandson, Darren Sabre.

​There will be no funeral or memorial service, which was her wish. She will be buried in Gale Cemetery, Piercefield, NY.