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Gloria A. St. Onge, 84

Dan McClelland

Gloria A. St. Onge, 84, of Tupper Lake, New York, passed away peacefully at her home on February 24, 2022.

Gloria, the daughter of Thelma Rice and Adelbert Davis, was born on February 24, 1938, in Tupper Lake,, and graduated from Tupper Lake High School in 1955.

After high school, Gloria held many jobs including working at J.J. Newberrys, Maids Department Store, making bowling pins in Ellocateville, NY, and cleaning camps. Gloria met the love of her life, Larry St. Onge, a local shoe-maker in Tupper Lake, and they were married on September 23, 1961.

Gloria and Larry relocated to Zephyrhills, Florida, where they lived their dream life. While there, Gloria worked at Suntrust Bank, until Larry passed away due to Polio.

In 1993, Gloria returned to Tupper Lake where she started working for Tupper Lake National Bank.

After a long engagement, Gloria married her long-time friend of 28 years, Harold Blake, on February 26, 2016. Together, Gloria and Harold explored the Adirondacks through many camping, hiking, and traveling adventures. Gloria also loved to read, garden, bird watch, go out to movies and dinners with her friends, and ride motorcycles with her brother Dave. After Harold passed away, Gloria kept herself busy spending time with many family and friends, and her beloved cat, Prissey.

Always a free spirit, Gloria lived life to the fullest. She passed away doing what she always loved…reading and watching soap operas. Although she had no children of her own, she enjoyed spending time with her many brothers and sister-in-laws, nephews, and nieces. Gloria had a true heart of gold and will be missed by many.

Gloria is survived by her brother Richard (Marsha) Davis and her good friends, June Charland and Sharon Parker.

Gloria was preceded in death by her parents, Thelma and Carl Dukette, and Adelbert Davis, as well as her brothers David (Lauri) Dukette, Gary (Joanne) Davis, John Davis; sister Laura Davis; along with her good friend Ann Shaheen.

Condolences can be made online at Per Gloria’s wishes, there will be no public service but instead a private burial will be held in the spring with family and close friends. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Tupper Lake Arts Center or the Tupper Lake Fire Department, Rescue.