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Walter Charles Frey, 93

Dan McClelland

Walter Charles Frey, 93, of Tupper Lake, passed away peacefully on Tuesday, March 8, 2022 in Pompano Beach, Florida.

Walter is survived by his beloved wife of 61 years Judith, his daughter Julie (James) of Camillus, Timothy of Tupper Lake, Curt (Lynda) of Fultonville and Mark (Becky) of North Myrtle Beach, SC.

Walt is also survived by his six grandchildren, Matthew, Zachary, Brandon, Sarah Lillian, Benjamin and Chelsea.

Walt was born on September 4, 1928, in Forest Hills, Queens, the son of William and Marie Frey. He was predeceased by his parents, his sister Mildred and brothers William and Herbert.

Walt’s love of the Adirondacks began at a very early age - when his father, a high school teacher, took his family on annual camping trips to Fish Creek. Walt decided that the Adirondacks and especially Tupper Lake was where he wanted to live and raise a family.

A veteran of the United States Army, Walt served his country from 1950 to 1953. Upon receiving his honorable discharge, he moved to Tupper Lake.

Walt and his brother Bill, with help from their brother-in-law Russel Gould - built the Park Cabins. He married the love of his life, Judy in 1960. Together, they raised a wonderful family.

Walt worked for the Village of Tupper Lake and was a proud member of the Tupper Lake Volunteer Fire Department.

Walt would be the first one to tell you - that he lived a wonderful life. He loved his wife and his family - and was thankful for his lifelong friendships and Forest Avenue neighbors.

Walt loved Tupper Lake but when the winters became a little too cold for him, he and Judy purchased a residence in Pompano Beach, Florida.

Tupper Lake was Walt’s summer and fall home - and Pompano Beach became his winter residence. He could not have been happier! Walt was loved by all who knew him.

A memorial service for Walt is planned for June 4, 2022 at the St. Alphonsus Cemetery. With a Celebration of Life to follow.

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