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Michele Hoffman, 76

Dan McClelland

Michele (Favero, Lanphear) Hoffman, died February 3, 2022, at the age of 76 in Wilmington, N.C., due to complications from pneumonia.

She was predeceased by her husband, Donald Hoffman and is survived by her four sons- Thomas, Timothy, Todd and Trevor Lanphear and their wives and children. She is also survived by Donald’s family- Linda May, Donald Hoffman, Jr. and Jake Hoffman with their spouses and children and grandchildren. Michele was predeceased by her sister Teresa (Teri) Favreau and is survived by her other sister Barbara (Bobbie) Kosnick.

Mike as her parents called her, was born in Plattsburgh, N.Y. and moved to the Chatham, N.Y. area when she was fojur years old.

After marrying Donald Hoffman, they moved to Tupper Lake and then eventually settled in Long Lake, where their grandchildren loved to come and visit them in the Adirondacks.

Michele worked for the town clerk of Long Lake for many years and she liked interacting with people at her small produce stand during the summer. She also liked tinkering in her garden.

After Don’s passing, Michele moved to Florida, returning to Long Lake for the summers. The past two years she enjoyed spending time visiting all four of her sons and their families across the south.

The family plans a celebration of her life at a later date.