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Joan Lincoln, 68

Dan McClelland

Joan Lincoln, 68, of Tupper Lake, NY, passed away at home on Friday February 4, 2022.

Joan was born on November 22, 1953, in Plattsburgh, the daughter of Emmett and Marjorie (Carson) Coonrod Jr.

Joan is survived by her daughters Andrea Rushford (Jim McNaughton) of Westport, N.Y., and Jessica Lincoln of Denver, CO.; siblings, Mary Palmer (Richard Stevenson) of Wadhams, N.Y., Emmett Coonrod III of Essex, N.Y., and Nancy Dougal of Essex, NY.; best friend Barbara Blace of Tupper Lake; and several nieces, nephews, and cousins.

Joan is predeceased by her parents Emmett Coonrod Jr. and Marjorie (Carson) Coonrod, and a nephew Selwyn (Pete) Palmer Jr.

Joan enjoyed spending time with family, her dogs, camping, woodworking, and riding her Spyder.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in her memory to a local Animal Shelter or Rescue of your choice, or to Tupper Lake EMS.