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Carl J. McGillis, 89

Dan McClelland

Carl J. McGillis, 89, of Tupper Lake, passed away peacefully on September 30, 2022. Carl is survived by his long-time significant other, Gertrude Clement; his sisters, Janice Pryor and family; Phillip and Ruth “Midge” Labrie and family, Thelma-Lawor and family, his Children; Charmaine and Kip LaScala; Sharon Norman; Daughter-in-Law Debbie McGillis; and his grandchildren Alex Ayotte, Kenneth LaScala, and Cam McGillis; Gertrude’s children, Cynthia and Jim Mulvana and family, Ann Marie and Edward Tripp and family, Mary Jane and Arthur Durfee and family, Jackie and Scott Stiles and family; and many nieces, nephews, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.

Carl is predeceased by, his parents, George and Loretta McGillis; his sister Theresa and Hank Emory; his son John McGillis; his good friends Edwina Nolan, Eddie Leonard; and his step-grandson, Scott Baker.

Carl was born on May 28, 1933, in Tupper Lake NY, the son of George and Loretta McGillis.

To those who knew him well, he was referred to as “Skip”. Skip was well known around town, specifically for his work. Skip worked for several different construction companies and was a truck driver. He loved telling stories about his work days.

Skip enjoyed hunting and being outdoors, watching sports, a long time Colts fan, telling all kinds of stories, and of course, a great meal. Skip loved spending time with his grandchildren and building things for them to play with. He built them a treehouse in his backyard and every winter would construct a large mound of snow for them to play on.

Skip had the most contagious laugh that you could hear from anywhere. He was the most reliable person. If you called on Skip for anything, he was there. He was a joy to be around and had a nickname for everyone. To those who knew and loved him so well, you can hear the song that he would whistle while he doing just about anything.

The family will honor Carl’s wishes to not have a service at this time and they thank you for your condolences.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in his honor to the Tupper Lake Rescue Squad.