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Nancy A. Boeye

Dan McClelland

Nancy A. Boeye, formerly of Piercefield, died unexpectedly on July 6, 2021 in Gainesville, Georgia. She was born in Schenectady, N.Y. and graduated from Plattsburgh State University in 1970.

After graduation,
Nancy taught in The Red Creek Central School until retiring in 2003.
Following her retirement Nancy and her husband of fifty years, Larry,
moved to the Adirondacks, where they loved to canoe, camp and hike
with their friends.

In Piercefield, Nancy worked at the Post Office, was a member of the Ladies Fire Auxiliary, the DAR, and was Town Historian. The Wild Center held a special place in Nancy's heart. She spent many hours there volunteering with her friends and sharing her love of the mountains to any that would listen.

In October of 2020, Nancy and Larry moved to the mountains of NE

Nancy is survived by Larry, her husband, her son Kerry and his wife Cecilia of Elliicott City Md., grandsons Jakob and Adrian, her sister Carol Male of Falmouth Me., and numerous nieces and nephews.