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Marni A. Wilcox, 48

Dan McClelland

Marni Wilcox.jpg

Marni Webber-Wilcox, 48, passed away unexpectedly in the Glens Falls Hospital on Tuesday, August 24, 2021 while visiting a friend in the Lake George area.

Born on August 30, 1972 in Saranac Lake, she was the only child of Colyn and Donna Drew Webber.

Marni attended Tupper Lake High School and later received her GED. She worked for many years as a Home Health Aide.

On September 20, 2003 she married Frank D. Wilcox. He passed away on February 15, 2008.

Marni is survived by her father, Colyn Webber of Piercefield; one son Steven W. Webber of Pierefield; one daughter, Nicole Wilcox of Ft. Covington; one grandson, Harper Webber of Tupper Lake; her aunts Diane Trombley of Tupper Lake; Elaine Sarazen and Patty Reandeau of Piercefield; a good friend and Harper's mom Amanda Phillips of Tupper Lake, and Marni's companion, Larry DeShane of Tupper Lake, many cousins both in the area and in Niagara Falls.

She is predeceased by her mother, Donna Lynn Drew Webber, paternal grandparents, Clinton and Helen Webber and maternal grandparents, Harland and Darlene Drew, an uncle Frank Drew and her son Steven's father Steven Facteau.

Burial will be in Gale Cemetery at the convenience of the family. Funeral arrangements are in care of the Frary Funeral Home in Tupper Lake.