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Beulah Mae (Miller) Martin

Dan McClelland

obit - beulah martin copy.jpg

The heart and soul of the Martin Family passed away quietly in the place she loved the most, her home, on April 14, 2020.

Born on May 14, 1932 in Tupper Lake to Andrew and Rose (Peets) Miller, Beulah attended the local schools and married Gilbert Martin on November 25, 1950.

They made their home in Tupper Lake with their six children. She is survived by her children, Gary Martin of Tupper Lake, Randy and Wendy Martin of Poland, NY, Susan Arsenault, Scott and Anne Martin, and Patty Garrelts, all of Tupper Lake as well her grandchildren, Erica Martin, Jeremi Martin, Jaymi Martin, Pamela and Joseph Arsenault, Andrew, Mitchell and Tyrel Martin, Mark and Taylor Garrelts and Nerissa and Benjamin Martin.

She also left behind 13 great grandchildren. She loved them all so very much.

Beulah was predeceased by her parents, her son Glen Martin and her husband Gilbert. She is also predeceased by her brothers, Thomas, Amos, Clifford and Alfred Miller and her sisters Beatrice Brockway, Rita Paddock and Eva Villenave.

The love Boo Boo, as she was affectionately called, had for her family was amazing. She would be so happy to sit in her sunroom and visit and tell stories about the good old days and her laughter was infectious. She especially loved it when people would stop at 3:30 in the afternoon to have a cocktail and enjoy each other's company. She loved to walk with her cousin, June, and they were known around town to so many people.

Beulah will be missed by those who knew what a wonderful woman, mother, grandmother and friend she was.

Due to the social distancing, a mass of remembrance and celebration will be held at a later date. She would love for all her family and friends to be together to honor her life.