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Mildred Anna Gould, 99

Dan McClelland

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Mildred Anna Gould, 99, of Summerville, SC, widow of Russell E. Gould, died peacefully on Easter Sunday, April 12, 2020, surrounded by her loving family. She was born on September 18, 1920, in Elmhurst, N.Y., the daughter of William F. and Marie Anna (Wernex) Frey.

Mili grew up on Long Island, the oldest of four siblings and attended public schools, graduating in 1938.

The family spent summers in the beautiful Adirondacks, camping at Fish Creek Ponds. It was there she met her future husband. They married on November 20, 1941. Following the attack on Pearl Harbor, he enlisted in the US Army and they spent the next three years apart. She stayed on Long Island and worked in Manhattan during that time.

Upon his return, they went back to northern New York. Daughter Sandra Lee and son William Floyd were born in Malone and soon after they relocated to Tupper Lake when Bell Telephone Co. transferred Russ.

She enjoyed serving in her church, Eastern Stars, playing canasta, laughing with the ladies at the “knitting” club and, in the winter months, skiing, and snowmobiling. Summertime was spent organizing lots of family picnics and boating on the many lakes and rivers in the area.

Mili and Russ built and operated the Northern Lights Ice Cream stand for many years. They loved living in the Adirondacks with extended family nearby.

They began an active travel life, visiting the world and in particular, Italy, where Russ fought during WWII. Things were very different then. They also explored much of America and Canada. In the early 70s, they began a new chapter in Pompano Beach, Florida. Other New York friends were there and Liesureville was an ideal winter retirement spot. They had an active life, planning parties and celebrations. They were truly blessed with great friends and a very busy schedule.

Mili moved to Summerville in 2006, about two years after her beloved Russ passed away to be near her daughter and son-in-law, who was stationed at Charleston AFB. She was present in Greenville, SC, when her first great grandson was born. She was a member of the Dorchester Presbyterian Church and the Dorchester Presbyterian Women.

Her most precious gifts were her grandchildren and great grandchildren. She was forever thankful for her long and wonderful life.

She is survived by her daughter Sandee White and son-in-law Neil of Summerville, two grandchildren, Stacy A. Coulter of Greenville, SC, and Nathan A. White (Alison) of Charlotte, NC., great grands Tradd Coulter and Arthur, Casey and Bridget White, brother Walter (Judy) Frey and nine nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by husband, Russ and son Billy and brothers Herb and Bill Frey.

Her family will have a Celebration of Life at a later date. Sandee and Neil wish to extend their gratitude for the love and special care given by her caregivers, Kathy Spencer, Kit Mills, and Pat Moore and the nurses and CNAs at the Hospice House of Summerville.

If you would like to donate, please consider the Tupper Lake Rescue Squad.