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Daniel K. Green, 85

Dan McClelland

Mr. Daniel K. Green, of Waltham, passed peacefully and surrounded by compassionate care, thanks to the many heroes on 6E ICU at Newton Wellesley Hospital on April 9, 2020. He was 85.

Dan would have wanted you "glancing" at this obituary, while listening to thunderously loud Big Band music on an original Victrola record player and he would have insisted the write-up include a joke at the beginning, middle and end. (We would have inserted one of the jokes here but in all the years of poorly-timed-but-charming comedic delivery, we literally couldn't hear the punch lines over his own laughter).

He was an only child of the late Daniel and Alice Green, born in Little Falls Hospital, N.Y. on May 29, 1934. His family was from Dolgeville, N.Y. and were proud owners of the Daniel Green Slipper Company for many years. The family went back many generations and one of Dan's favorite past times was telling time-honored stories over viewing of family documentation covering major U.S. events like the Civil War, the Spanish-American War, the Gold Rush, and many more.

After attending Dolgeville High School and Coyne College in Chicago, he met his wife Nance at a hair salon in Tupper Lake.

Dan's mom was giving Nance a North Country beauty parlor treatment at her new salon and it lasted so long, he hung around to chat and it led to a loving marriage of over 50 years and four children.

His true passions were clear: Electronics, expert knowledge of cars, listening to records for hours, animals, oyster-stuffing demands at all holiday gatherings and a classic Three Stooges marathon on New Year's Eve or maybe every Sunday morning forever. He loved antiques, including his grandfather clock from 1811 that still gets wound today. His heart was family – a simple dinner with his wife and kids was his most frequent request, even if Olympic-level napping through said request was his best-in-show activity.

Many in Waltham knew Dan during a different time when he was an expert Sound Consultant/Sales Associate at Radio Shack on Main Street for over 30 years. A proud moment was teaching his son about "real" customer service when they got to work together.

Beloved husband of Nance (Russell) Green; father of Susan A. Green of Ayer, Daniel K. Green of Utica, New York, Kenneth R. Green (Nicole) of Wrentham, and the late James K. Green and Holly Louise Green and the father-in-law of Donna Green of Gloversville, New York.

Due to the ongoing health crisis around the world and in our community, funeral services for Dan are private.

Donations in his memory can be made to the NWH COVID-19 fund,