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Barbara Mose, 81

Dan McClelland

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Barbara Ann Mose, 81, of Carter Court, Plattsburgh, died Saturday, April 18, 2020 at the UVM Health Network, CVPH in Plattsburgh.

Born in Tupper Lake, May 20, 1938, she was the daughter of Arthur and Evelyn (Boushie) Denis. She graduated from Tupper Lake High School in 1956.

Barbara married James R. Mose, April 23, 1966 in St. Alphonsus Church in Tupper Lake. He predeceased her, January 20, 2017.

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She began her career as a telephone operator and then went to work at various restaurants for more than four decades, making many lasting friendships. Barb enjoyed cooking, making special desserts for her grandchildren, family outings, and special casino trips.

During the years following her husband's passing, she enjoyed many new adventures with her girls. She especially enjoyed her weekly lunches with her friends and the many special friendships she made at the American Legion Post 20 in Plattsburgh and the Keeseville VFW Post 1505. Left to cherish the memory of Barbara are four daughters, Stephanie (Mose) and Matthew Spooner, Melissa Mose and Dean Parker, Tammy (Mose) and Christian Cooper, and Jennifer Mose; grandchildren, Kayla and Lawrence Moore, Jadon and Melissa Spooner, Nicholas Cooper, Savannah Cooper, and John James Casey; one very special great-granddaughter, Kaidence Spooner and one very special great-grandson, Grayson Moore; one special sister, Mary Denis; and many nieces and nephews. She was very grateful to her special neighbors who helped her out so much since her husband passed away.

In addition to her parents and husband, she was predeceased by her siblings.

Due to the Coronavirus, visitation and funeral service will be private. Committal prayers and burial will also be private in St. Alphonsus Cemetery in Tupper Lake. A public celebration of her life will be held at a date, time and place, to be announced.

In lieu of flowers, donations in her memory may be made to the family to be allocated at their discretion.

Barb's family would like to extend a most genuine "thank you" to the nurses, doctors and staff at CVPH. Her family were unable to be by her side over the previous few weeks due to COVID-19. The staff took great care of her and helped them FaceTime or call whenever they wished. The staff went above and beyond for Barb during this difficult time. Her family will never forget and will be forever grateful for the kindness shown to all her loved ones.

Arrangements are in the care of the Hamilton Funeral Home, 294 Mannix Road, Peru.