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Darlene A. Strack, 60

Dan McClelland

Obit-Strack, Darlene copy.jpg

Darlene A. Strack, age 60, of Tupper Lake, passed away on Monday afternoon, March 23, 2020, surrounded by her loving family after a long, hard fight with ovarian cancer. A celebration of life will be held at a later date in September for Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.

She is survived by her husband, Brent Strack, of Tupper Lake; her children, Nikki Chesbrough and her husband, Jon, of Tupper Lake, Melissa (Missy) Leonard and her companion, Dennis Hughes, of Syracuse; her step-children, Brenan and Baleigh Strack, her grandchildren, Aubrey Chesbrough and Aadon Scott(her babies); her step-grandchildren, Mila and Amani Amell; three brothers, Bryan Amell, of Malone, Mark Amell and his wife, Tracey, of Tupper Lake, Stewart Amell and his wife, Laurie, of Sandy Creek; three sisters, Holly Amell, of Wisconsin, Caren Cote and her husband, Norman, of Tupper Lake, and Alene Amell, of Tupper Lake, and many nieces, nephews, and cousins. She is predeceased by her brother, Gregg Amell and her sister, Donna Thomas.

Darlene was born on March 14, 1960 in Tupper Lake, the daughter of the late Raymond Amell and Shirley (Duffy) Dechene and her husband, Donald. She attended Tupper Lake High School. In 2001, She met Brent Strack and they married on October 8, 2005 in Tupper Lake with Lenny Young officiating. She worked as a DDSCTA at Sunmount DDSO in Tupper Lake for 18 years.

She enjoyed spending time with her grandbabies, her work family at Sunmount, shopping, having her hair and nails done, and going on vacation to Myrtle Beach but, most importantly she was a huge New England Patriots fan. She was known for her strength in being a fighter and her infectious personality that would light up a room. She was blunt and didn’t use a filter but her smile, laugh and big heart would warm souls.

Donations in her memory can be made to High Peaks Hospice, 19 Church St., Saranac Lake, NY 12983, Oncology Center, Adirondack Health Foundation, PO Box 120, Saranac Lake, NY 12983 or the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition, 12221 Merit Drive, Suite 1950, Dallas, TX 75251.

Condolences can be made online at