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Sister Barbara F. Whittemore, 92

Dan McClelland

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Sister Barbara F. Whittemore, a Cenacle Sister for 64 years, passed away November 15, 2020 in Chicago. She was 92 years of age.

Sr. Barbara was the beloved daughter and only child of the late Charles Henry and Frances Whittemore, nee De Varney from Tupper Lake.

Sr. Barbara served the Cenacle in a variety of communities and retreat centers in Ronkonkoma and Flushing, NY, Middletown, CT, Brighton, MA, Highland Park, NJ, and Chicago, IL.

Memorial Mass was celebrated Tuesday, November 24, 2020 at 11a.m..with the Rev. James Gschwend, SJ, presiding.

Live streaming of the service will be available at and can be viewed at that link for ten days following the Mass.

Sr. Barbara will be interred at the Cenacle Sisters’ St. Regis Cemetery in Ronkonkoma, NY at a later date.

Arrangements entrusted to M.J. Suerth Funeral Home. For further information 773-631-1240 or