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Dannie Lee Friend, 82

Dan McClelland

Obit - Friend, Dannie photo copy.jpg

Dannie Lee Friend 82, formerly of Colchester, VT passed away peacefully November 1, 2019 after a long and arduous struggle with pulmonary disease (COPD).

He was born December 22, 1937 in South Barton, the son of the late George Elbridge and Lucy Clara (Lahue) Friend.

The family moved to Tupper Lake in 1948 where all the children attended school. Dannie had numerous jobs including being a lumberjack, cross country tractor trailer driver and managing two horse farms.

He is survived by his son, Dannie Friend, Jr. of Florida and daughter Danielle (Shoram) Martin and husband Jim of Burlington, VT and her children: Corey, Jacob and Krystal; His beloved granddaughter, Zibby Davis of Wisconsin; his brother, Vernon Ross and his wife, Sandra (Sutter) Friend of Tupper Lake; His sister, Georgia Lou (Friend) Christiano of Grand Isle, VT as well as many nieces and nephews from Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, North Carolina, Wisconsin and New York

Besides his parents, he was predeceased by three brothers: Rodney George, Marvin Walter and Terrance Dean.

Dannie elected to donate his body to the University of Vermont Anatomical Gift Program at The Robert Larner MD College of Medicine. His remains will be there for three years and will then be cremated and returned to his family. There will be no services at his request.

Sincere thanks to the staff at Burlington Health and Rehab and Hospice for their loving care and support, as well as to Minor Funeral Home for their guidance and support.