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Village Democrats to caucus Thursday, July 25

Dan McClelland

The Village Democratic Party will hold a political caucus this Thursday afternoon (July 25) at 2p.m. at the town’s Aaron Maddox Hall on Demars Blvd.

A required notice of caucus, filed by Caucus Chairman Daniel “Boonie” Carmichael, was published in last week’s legal notices.

According to the rules of the caucus, only registered Democrats and only village residents are allowed to participate in the nomination and decision-making processes that afternoon.

The purpose of the political meeting is to nominate candidates for two open trustee positions on the village board this fall, currently held by Trustees Jason McClain and Eric Shaheen.

Whoever the Democrats nominate tomorrow will face Republican Candidates Eric Shaheen and Rick Pickering, who were both nominated by their party on July 10. Trustee McClain opted not to seek re-election to a third term this fall.