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Field Day begins with colorful parade with varied entries

Dan McClelland

The town’s Field Day parade again featured many emergency vehicles and a number of well-decorated floats for the many who lined Demars Blvd. Saturday morning.

The parade was again directed with skill by Amanda “Bird” Lizotte, with organizational help from Hailee LaLonde, who rode with her husband Rick in one of the electric department’s big rigs.

In the photo above, perched in the bucket of the Tupper Lake Fire Department’s ladder truck was Santa Claus, a.k.a. Mike Russell, grand marshal of the parade of the Field Day last year.

Shown below in a photo by Christielee Geiger was this year’s grand marshal, Jeremy Dukette, piloting a school district bus in the parade. Jeremy was recognized by the community this year, via nominations as a man who gives tirelessly to the school district and its students. Jeremy is the DJ at many school dances, volunteers to help with many school activities, over and above his bus driver and custodial duties.

He was called by Parade Announcer Dan McClelland, a school employee who is loved by school children of all ages.

Jeremy also volunteers regularly with town recreation department events, whenever asked.