“Kid Row” sales event Sunday aimed at showcasing young talent here
by Dan McClelland
A special event designed to showcase the creativity of Tupper Lake children and teens is coming to the Park Street business district this Sunday, December 8.
Andrew and Faith McClelland, owners of Spruce and Hemlock, have invited young vendors here to sell their homemade products inside their store in what is being called “Kid Row.”
The event is again under the direction of Hayley LaLonde, who first introduced the youthful vendor event at the town recreation department’s Oktupperfest this fall. This is an indoor version- and what shoppers are expected to find there will be amazing, if the first event this fall was any indication.
The new holiday event at Spruce and Hemlock at 111 Park Street runs from 11a.m. to 3p.m.
Explains Hayley this week, this is all about showing off and supporting the many talents of our young people here- many of whom are already talented artisans.