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Three places for kids to celebrate Halloween

Dan McClelland

There are plenty of opportunities for children here to enjoy Halloween here Monday.

The Town Recreation Department, in its first time taking over the chamber’s Trick or Treat on Park Street, will host the event Monday from 3p.m. to 5p.m. in the uptown business district. In past years hundreds of youngsters, all costumed up for the scary season, and their parents have called on local businesses there and the business owners have responded generously.

Laura LaBarge and her staff at the town will also host a Trunk or Treat at the municipal park from 3p.m. to 6p.m. where local residents will open their trunks and share the sweet bounty with local kids.

Mercy Living Center will also host a Trunk or Treat outside its facility from 3p.m. to 5p.m. The event replaces Mercy’s annual haunted house inside, as a pandemic precaution to keep all residents well.

Door to door canvassing in Tupper Lake neighborhoods Monday evening will also be a way for local kids to fill their bags with candy. That activity has diminished substantially in recent years with the arrival of the organized afternoon events.