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Kiwanis Castle of Toys gearing up again for holiday giveaway

Dan McClelland

It’s that time again that the Tupper Lake Kiwanis Club and its supporters swing into high gear planning their Christmas distribution of toys to local children.

The Kiwanis Castle of Toys, a program that goes back generations here to the days of Dan and Issy Cassell when the family and its many friends ran the program, always needs support during the holiday season. Donations are welcome not just at Christmas, but throughout the year.

Families interested in applying must live within the Tupper Lake Central School District, and the children must reside with their parents/guardians. Applications can be picked up at the Ivy Terrace Office or Food Pantry. Applications can be mailed to Kiwanis Club of Tupper Lake, PO Box 1023. All applications should be returned as soon as possible. Pick-up and delivery will be held on Saturday, December 17 from 9 am to 11 am at the VFW.

Those wishing to make toy donations can drop toys off at the Adirondack Regional Federal Credit Union or contact Juli Dukett at 518-524-6220. Monetary donations are also most welcome.