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Trick or treating from Trunks

Dan McClelland

Tupper Lake celebrated Halloween in a new way this year when costumed kids were invited to a “Trunk or Treat” candy distribution from vehicles Saturday. These photos show some of the well-decorated family chariots and the costumed kids who enjoyed the bounty from their trunks. The event was organized by Lisa Reed and a local committee of volunteers. Over 60 well-spaced vehicles were present for the first time distribution of its kind here. Over 520 costumed kids took part in the 3p.m. to 6p.m. Halloween canvass. Business was so brisk that many people, including Lisa, had to run for more goodies half way through the event. Their were costumed volunteers at the park entrance allowing families to enter one at a time to keep everyone safely distanced. (Judy McClelland photos)