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Village board issues statement against discrimination

Dan McClelland

by Dan McClelland

During this time in our community and across the country when thoughts about the ills of racism are on the minds of many, Village Mayor Paul Maroun read a statement on behalf of the village board at Wednesday’s meeting summarizing the village’s position against discrimination, and racism and for racial equality and diversity.

The meeting was again held behind closed doors with all five elected officials and Village Clerk Mary Casagrain safe distancing and wearing masks in the village board chambers. Department heads, reporters and guests all tuned into the meeting via a conference call. Trustee candidate Jason McClain also appeared in person wearing a mask.

The statement was entitled “The Village of Tupper Lake’s Statement on Discrimination and Diversity.” It read as follows:

“Tupper Lake is an all-inclusive, family-friendly community, a supportive and recreational paradise in the Adirondacks. Tupper Lake never has and does not support discrimination by or to anyone or any group. We do not discriminate by race, creed, color or sexual orientation, which would mean LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender or queer).”

He said that is the village’s statement and that hopefully puts to rest any questions about the village policy on racism, bigotry, diversity and discrimination.

Several trustee thanked the mayor for reading the statement.