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Timothy Charles Roscoe

Dan McClelland

Timothy “Turkey” Charles Roscoe, of Piercefield NY, passed away on August 12, 2024.

Tim was born in Tupper Lake to Patricia (Sabre) and Robert Roscoe on September 23rd 1958.

Tim attended elementary school in Piercefield and then in Tupper Lake. He graduated from Tupper Lake High School in 1977. In high school Tim played football and ran on the track team. After graduation, in 1979, Tim joined the United States Marine Corps with his life time best friend Steve Cheney. Tim’s served as a sergeant before being discharged in 1983.

Tim spent 24 years in Nashville, Tennessee before moving back to New York where he lived for the last two years of his life.

Tim is preceded in death by his mother Patricia Roscoe, and father Robert Roscoe. Tim is survived by his daughter April Roscoe of Kingston N.Y., and his son Jeffrey Roscoe of Nashville, TN. He is also survived by his sisters Susan Roscoe of Kingston, NY, Penny Roscoe of Port Ewen, NY and Beverly (Roscoe) Goodrich and, brother in-law John Goodrich of Tupper Lake, as well as aunts, uncles, cousins and grandchildren Sophia Borden and Nero Bernard of Kingston and Chelsea Roscoe of Vermont.

There will be a “Peace Out Party” for Tim Saturday, October 5th, 2024. Details will be posted at a later date. A grave side service and burial will be held Sunday, October 6th, 2024 at the Gail Cemetery, Piercefield.