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Constance “Connie” Denis, 80

Dan McClelland

A Funeral Mass for Constance “Connie” Denis, age 80, of Tupper Lake, will be held on Saturday, August 24, 2024 at 12 noon at St. Alphonsus Church with Rev. James Teti officiating. Burial will take place following the Mass at St. Alphonsus Cemetery. Mrs. Denis passed away on Sunday night, August 11, 2024 at Adirondack Medical Center surrounded by her loving husband, son and extended daycare family.

She is survived by her husband of 62 years, Charles “Chuck” Denis; her son, Gary Denis and his wife Sharon, of Lusby, MD; her brother-in-laws, Mike Denis and his wife Kathy, of Melbourne, FL and Jay Denis and his wife Karen, of Chelsea, MA; her adopted daycare children, Rachel, Nathan, Rebecca, Katie, and Roger; her furry grandchildren; and several nieces, nephews, and cousins. She is predeceased by her parents and sister-in-law, Sally Clement.

Connie was born on December 9, 1943, in Tupper Lake, the daughter of the late Buck and Myrtle Booking. She graduated from Tupper Lake Central School in 1960.

She married Chuck Denis on September 23, 1961 at St. Alphonsus Church. Connie ran a child daycare from her home in Tupper Lake and was one of the first licensed daycare providers in Franklin county. Through her years of childcare, she touched many lives of those in the community.

Connie lived for her grandchildren, finding her greatest joy in being a part of their lives. Her role as a grandmother extended beyond her own family becoming an “adopted” grandmother to many.