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John Joseph (JJ) Sutliffe, 67

Dan McClelland

John Joseph (JJ) Sutliffe, 67, sadly passed away on April 27, 2024, in Fort Worth, Texas. He had been suffering from Dementia.

Born on September 13, 1956, to Charlotte “Doreen” and Robert Sutliffe in Tupper Lake. During his childhood his family relocated to Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

John graduated from the University of Florida. His famous words were “Go Gaiters”. He went on to pursue his passions in engineering which brought him to Lockheed Martin in Forth Worth, Texas.

JJ enjoyed traveling and made it to all seven continents. Along with traveling was a passion for his Harley-Davidson and classic cars. Most of all he loved his garage!

He is survived by his wife Tracy; a brother Mark “Beard” of Piercefield; two sisters, Susan “Sue Sue” of Tupper Lake and Karen O'Brian of Fort Lauderdale; one niece, Bridgette Shaheen of Tupper Lake.

He was preceded in death by his parents and sister Cynthia.

At his request there will be no services.