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Joyce Marie Facteau, 80

Dan McClelland

Joyce Marie Facteau, 80, of Tupper Lake, NY, passed away September 4, 2023 at her home, with her husband by her side. A Funeral service will be held at Frary Funeral Home, 24 Cliff Ave,Tupper Lake, NY on Friday September 8 at 9AM with her burial following at 10:30AM at St. Alphonsus Cemetery, Tupper Lake, NY.
Joyce was born in Fort Benning, GA to Joseph and Florence (Salsbury) Kazlowski on August 16, 1943. She moved to Tupper Lake in grade school. After her high school graduation, she went on to become a Manager in healthcare, working at the Tupper Lake ARC in Tupper Lake, NY.
Joyce is survived by her husband Bruce Facteau, and their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.