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Robert G. Stenger, 79

Dan McClelland

Robert G. Stenger, Jr. age 79, of Tupper Lake, passed away peacefully on Tuesday, September 19, 2023.

Bob was born April 25, 1944 in Hudson, NY and graduated from Bristol Eastern High School, CT in 1962.

Bob had an impressively long resume. He was an orthopedic technician in the U.S. NAVY and a Vietnam veteran. He was a police motorcycle officer in Wichita, KS and eventually retired as a correctional officer. He held a variety of positions in between – including chef, bartender, truck driver and electrician.

Bob volunteered as a Boy Scout leader, hunter safety class instructor and a rescue diver. He was an excellent teacher, always willing to share his wealth of knowledge. He enjoyed many outdoor activities including hunting, fly fishing, golfing and motorcycles. He was unmatched at completing a crossword puzzle and he loved telling a good story. Bob always had a quick witted one-liner to share.

He is survived by his children Robert Stenger of Wichita, KS, Cynthia (Stenger) and Marlon Green of Wichita, KS and Erika (Stenger) and Joe Sciortino of Tupper Lake. He is also survived by his grandchildren Isaiah, Alyssa, Kianna, Jacob, Jonathan, and Winnie and his great grandchildren Neveah, Aiyanna, Hendryx and Antonella.

He was predeceased by his parents Robert and Ruth (Owens) Stenger and daughter in law Billie Michelle Bryant-Stenger.

In true "Bob" fashion, he requested no services be held on his behalf. Instead please share a toast in his honor. Cheers!