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Tai McLear, 24

Dan McClelland

On July 1st, 2023 Tai Adam McLear lost his long ongoing battle with Spinal Muscular Atrophy at the age of 24.

Tai was born on December 22, 1998 and was diagnosed at a very young age with this devastating disease when he was unable to stand because of the atrophy of his muscles. And so began a very tough road, but it was also when everyone would find out how determined he was to accomplish all he could!

Tai began his road to accomplishments at Children’s Corner in Tupper Lake and with the assistance of Mrs. Eileen Pickering, he was the recipient of a Make-A-Wish Foundation trip to Disney World in Florida with his family. Tai went on to attend our local schools and that is when in elementary school he developed his long friendship with his caregiver Mrs. Patricia LaMere, who he cherished!

During his time in grade school into high school he participated in many fund raising events for Muscular Dystrophy and was honored in 2008 for his hard work by representative Betty Little with a NY State Assembly Award. Much of Tai’s work was with the help of the Tupper Lake Fire Department, which was near and dear to his heart.

After his sophomore year at Tupper Lake High School, Tai moved to Raleigh, North Carolina with his grandparents. He attended Heritage High School where he graduated from in 2017. This was one of the times his grandparents were so very proud as they watched him motor his electric wheelchair to the front and center stage of the assembly of his senior class and their families.

Tai spoke about his disease and all of the trials along the way. He spoke of his medical issues including stays for lengths of time in Adirondack Medical Center, Albany Medical Center and Burlington, Vermont. He continued to speak of his numerous medical appointments and informed the audience of how he was humbled as he was having to adjust to a new school and everyone was so kind to him. When he finished, there was not a dry eye in the room except his. Following, he was swarmed by the graduates and families congratulating him.

Tai challenged himself next by attending college, receiving a Bachelor’s Degree and moving on to receive his Master’s Degree in the Science of Sports Management on May 12, 2023. Tai worked so hard for all of these accomplishments with many people assisting him, caring for him and keeping him on a healthy path as long as he was able. He wanted to achieve as much as he could to prove not only to himself, but to everyone, that he could do whatever he set his mind to!

Tai is survived by his mother Kam McLear (Foley) and companion Timothy Joubert, step-father Tom Foley and his companion Dody Day, siblings, who loved him so very much, Wyatt Foley, Paige Foley, Jeevika Branchaud and Ariana McLear, along with his step-sister Kiara Cote, grandparents Kevin and Francine McLear, who dedicated their lives to him, Uncle Ian (Patricia) McLear, Aunt Tracy (Randy) Schrader, Uncle William Foley, Aunt “Doobie” Barbara Foley, who visited Tai often and always showed him love, Uncle George Foley, cousins Nickolas McLear (Fiancée Abby Cowan), Austin Dukette (companion Cierra Thompson) Malorie McLear (Companion Tyler Farmer), Bradley McLear, Great Cousins Bennett, Aaryrn and Gunnar, along with many great aunts and uncles and many cousins of the McLear/Vaillancourt/Lemieux families.

Everyone who has ever met Tai in his short time on this earth was blessed to know him. He was loved and cherished by his family, his caregivers and the communities he lived in. He will never be forgotten!

A celebration of life will be held at Saint Alphonsus Church in Tupper Lake on Thursday, August 17, 2023 at 11a.m .with a gathering following at the V.F.W. on Park Street in Tupper Lake.

Family and Friends who wish to remember Tai may make a contribution to the Muscular Dystrophy Association.