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Andrew Beaudette, 59

Dan McClelland

It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of Andrew John Beaudette, 59, a beloved brother and friend. He passed away suddenly and unexpectedly of natural causes, in his home in San Diego on Friday June 16th.

Andrew was born on April 22nd 1964 to Muriel (Laramie) and Leo Beaudette. He graduated from Tupper Lake High School in 1982. He then went on to work for North Star industries for many years.

He moved to San Diego in 2006 and worked for Sharp Medical as an Administrative Assistant until his passing.

Anyone who knew Andrew will understand the huge hole he has left in our hearts. He will be sorely missed by his many friends, and family.

He is survived by his sister Cynthia and her husband Donald Whitmore, his sister in law Carol (Neal) Beaudette, his sister Nancy and her husband Steven Conte, his brother Gary Beaudette, and his sister Erin and her husband Chris Klossner, nine nieces and nephews, and eight great nieces and nephews.

He was predeceased by his parents Muriel and Leo Beaudette, and by three siblings James, Neal, and Joan Beaudette.

A Celebration of Life will take place at 111 Old Piercefield Road, on October 7th at 2 pm. Please come and join us in honoring our brother Andrew, and feel free to bring any pictures and memories you would like to share.