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Dorothy Marie Bedore

Dan McClelland

The family of Dorothy Marie Bedore are very sad to announce her passing on January 19, 2023.  Dorothy, age 88, was a lifelong resident of Tupper Lake.

She is survived by her siblings: Donna Kentile (Bucky), Donald Dechene (Shirley), David Rob Dechene, Petesy Harris (Lloyd) and Dennis Dechene (Beulah).

She is survived by her children: Terry Satterfield (Keith), Kate Malerba (Louie), Kim Weinheimer (Jake), Glen Jed Bedore (June) and Randy Bedore (Patty).  Dorothy also had 10 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren.

Dorothy was an avid reader, loved auctions and loved Tupper Lake. 

No services will be held at the request of the family.