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Roland LaVenture

Dan McClelland

Roland LaVenture (formerly of Tupper Lake) left his family and went to be with our Father in Heaven on November 28, 2022 after his hard fought battle with lung cancer. He said he would fight the horrible disease, which he did and many time’s we thought he was going to win the battle against cancer.

Born to Robert LaVenture & Georgette Gauvreau, Roland was born 19 August 1947 in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada. Roland is survived by his mother Georgette Gauvreau, his wife and Jr. High sweetheart, Nina Lynn Benware, his two children David (Angie) and Michele (Joey), grandsons Jordan (Hope) and Justin (Ariana), along with great grandsons Phoenix, Kayden, Archer and great granddaughter Adelaide, his brother Robert (Nathalie), sisters Rolande, Jinette (Gilles), and brother Leo (Diana), along with several nieces and nephews.

The US Army drafted Roland and sent him to Vietnam, where during his tour he received the Purple Heart, two “V”s for Valor with his Bronze Star Medal and the Commendation Medal for acts of heroism. He LOVED the U.S. and was a proud patriot.

He was a lumberjack and loved being outdoors in the woods. He was a Tupper Lake hockey coach who was instrumental in establishing the first ice hockey rink & coached for many years. He was also part of the Tupper Lake Volunteer Fire Dept. After he moved to Texas, he continued to coach his son and daughter in their sports. He was a very hard worker and instilled his work ethic in his children.

He was a giving man and would do anything to help anyone. He loved his family and friends dearly; yet, would LOVE to “stir the pot” and sit back and watch his family and friends reactions. He was the person anyone could go to for unbiased advice, especially his family. He would tell you the positive and negative aspects of the situation and then leave it up to you. If you wanted to know how he would handle the situation, he would tell you, if you asked.

His life was full and his impact on people was immense and far reaching, beyond what he would imagine. From the words by one of his hockey players, Pierre St. Pierre:

“Mr. LaVenture was a man who helped mold many young boy’s lives as a Hockey Coach here in Tupper Lake. He helped create teamwork, determination, and loyalty in the young boys he coached which helped their parents turn them into respectable young men, but most of all he helped create friendships and some of the best and most fondest memories of my childhood that I will take to my grave. May he rest in peace until we meet again…”

And final words from one Veteran: “Rest in Peace Mr. L. we will take the watch from here”.