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Todd H. Young, 58

Dan McClelland

Todd Howard Young, 58, passed away suddenly on Monday, August 29, 2022 at home. His parents and sister Jill were with him.

Born on December 16, 1963 in Tupper Lake, he was the son of George and Gale (LaValley) Young.

Todd was employed at the United States Post Office in Plattsburgh for several years until he left on Medical leave.

He had a great appreciation for the outdoors and enjoyed hunting and fishing. He often hunted with his father, brother Brad, and cousins Scott and Kurt and brother-in-law Jerry.

Todd was born hearing impaired. He learned how to lip read which led to wonderful conversations with many people he would see around his hometown. He also had great eye sight which allowed him to see wonderful things in the outdoors and also allowed him to see a record size white tail buck.

He is survived by his parents, George and Gale Young, two sisters, Jodie Laramie and her husband Jerry; Jill Parent and her husband Roy; three nieces, Laura Laramie, Kristen (Miguel) Chico; Brittany (Burnham) LaBarge and one nephew Tyler (Christine) Laramie; six great nieces, Nola, Avie, Cobi Chico, Brooke & Tess Laramie, Brynn LaBarge, and several aunts, uncles and cousins.

Todd was predeceased by one brother Brad, his materal grandparents, Ernest and Loretta (Gale) LaValley; paternal grandparents, George and Jeanne (Ouillett) Young.

Services and burial were held on Thursday, September 1, 2022, with Frary-Stuart Funeral Home.