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Joan Frechette, 89

Dan McClelland

On September 17, 2022 the Good Lord took our Mom/Wife/Grandma Joan Marie (Decheine) Frechette into his arms. She was 89 years old and died peacefully at her home on 5 Lincoln Drive, in Tupper Lake, after a long illness.

Joan was born November 2, 1932 in Tupper Lake. She was the daughter of Wilfred and Delia (Mayville) Decheine. She grew up in Tupper Lake and attended Holy Ghost Academy. She earned a bookkeeping degree from Albany Business College, graduating magna cum laude, not a surprise as she gave all of herself to everything she did in life.

Joan married the love of her life, Maurice Frechette on January 28,1952. Maurice survives her. They recently celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary. They raised nine children, all surviving, Mary (Jim Radimer), of Florida/Idaho, Claire (Wayne Temmen) of New Hampshire, John (Lynn Lavalley) of New Berlin, N.Y., Jane (Shawn Larkin) of Tupper Lake, Thomas of Florida, Julie (Chris Miller) of California, Richard (Laurie Colston) of Colorado, Tracy (Stuart Darrah) of Bloomingdale, and Jesse (Joe Salvatore) of Pennsylvania.

She is also survived by 16 grandchildren, 12 great grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.

Joan used her bookkeeping skills working for her husband’s business company MJF Construction and eventually went to work for Adam Palmer as a receptionist. When they were in their 40’s, the couple moved to Tucson, Arizona where they lived and worked for several years. They eventually returned to Tupper Lake after several other moves, including Maine and Hawaii.

Joan was captain of the cheerleading squad while she attended Holy Ghost Academy. She dedicated herself to her husband and children, but found time to garden and sew, and enjoyed watching the birds at their feeder. She was a talented seamstress and made numerous quilts for her family and others that have been admired and treasured by all. She also was an avid reader and loved to bake, and was famous for her whoopie pies that everyone looked forward to when they came to visit.

Joan was such a selfless person, always putting others first. She had a fun sense of humor and enjoyed playing with the grandchildren when they visited. She always had a smile on her face and was kind and supportive and giving of herself.

She is survived by her sisters Phyllis and Sally Decheine, and is predeceased by her brother Steven Decheine, and her sister Joyce (Mervin Thomas).

Private services will be held to celebrate Joan’s life. Friends wishing to honor her may consider a donation to High Peaks Hospice.