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Nancy Soucy, 58

Dan McClelland

Nancy M. Soucy, 58, passed away Tuesday, August 16, 2022 in Watertown N.Y.

Born in Canada on November 25, 1964, she was the daughter of Alphee and Cecile Soucy.

Nancy is survived by two brothers Marcel Soucy of Baldwinsville, Nelson and (Lynn) Soucy of Tupper Lake, one sister Linda and (Jim) Robinson of Baldwinsville; her favorite Uncle and Aunt Jean and Karen Soucy of Tupper Lake, as well as a very dear friend Robert Marshall and his family of Watertown. She is also survived by a daughter Natashia Soucy of Greece N.Y. and a granddaughter Nakieshia Reeves also from Greece NY.

Nancy was predeceased by her mother Cecile Soucy in 1982 and her father Alphee Soucy in 2001. She was also predeceased by one brother Yvan Soucy in December 2021.

There will be no calling hours per Nancy's request.

Donations can be made to the ASPCA in memory of Nancy.