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David C. Dukette

Dan McClelland

Taken from this world far too soon, David Carl Dukette passed away at home on February 4, 2022, surrounded by his family.

Dave Dukette, the son of Carl Dukette and Thelma Rice, was born on August 21, 1952, in Tupper Lake.

As a boy, David was an avid boy scout, eventually making it to Eagle Scout, which came in handy later, as he always loved to hike, camp, canoe, hunt, and fish.

After graduating from Tupper Lake High School in 1971, Dave worked for Big Tupper Ski Area as a lift attendant, and later helped cut trails with Ted Desmarais, his second father who he loved dearly. Dave continued working with Ted as a logger, cutting logs on the skidway with the Desmarais boys at Whitney Park.

While doing these jobs, Dave was also a roadie and did lights for the band, Heritage (later known as Hammerlok), touring with them to high schools, colleges, and local bars throughout the North Country. Dave learned how to play bass guitar and got the chance to perform on stage with Lee, Jeff, and Carrie Gonyea, Timmy Paymount and Dave’s best friend, Mickey Desmarais. He thought he could be a singer too, but the band members would always turn off his microphone when he sang (which Dave didn’t realize for a while). Jokes about this continued over the years, always making Dave laugh. While in the band, Dave met his first wife Louise Bureau, had two children (Jessica and Jeremy), and started working with her father in construction.

A few years later took a state job and went on to work for 29 years at Sunmount Developmental Center, first in the kitchen and housekeeping, but then as a general mechanic, a position from he retired.

After marrying his second wife, Lauri (Klossner), in 1990, Dave and Lauri lovingly raised their five children together in Tupper Lake.

For over 30 years, Dave was a volunteer with the Tupper Lake Fire Department, Rescue and was captain of the Tupper Lake Dive Rescue. When the scanner went off, Dave was out the door in record time. Dave also helped his wife with the Adventurers 4-H Club, a group of 12 children…who all became like family to him.

David wasn’t much of a traveler, but after Lauri packed up the car, kids, and told him to get in, he always had fun. During one trip to Brazil to meet the family of Teddy and Vanessa Desmarais, Dave became a star (or so he thought). Total strangers who did not speak English, repeatedly asked Lauri to take their picture with Dave, who all thought he was Paul Teutel from Orange County Choppers. Dave even signed autographs!

Dave always enjoyed riding his Harley, driving his boat, attending family reunions, drinking tequila, and enjoying the sunshine. He took karate and received his brown belt.

He spent many summers with family and friends at Horseshoe Lake, his favorite camping spot. He was also extremely active with the Tupper Lake Christian Community Church.

Dave is survived by his loving wife, Lauri, and youngest daughter Kaileigh Dukette of Tupper Lake; his daughters Jessica Clark of Clayton, New York, and Danielle (Nicolas) Amell of Lisbon, New York; his sons Jeremy (Michelle) Dukette of Tupper Lake, and Alec (Jennifer) Fee of Clifton Park, New York; his siblings Linda (Paul) Gaff, Beatrice (Richard) Whitman, Gloria (Larry, Harold) St. Onge, Jean (Shawn) Kelly, and Richard (Marsha) Davis; his grandchildren, who Dave took incredible pride in, Hailey Woodward, Sydney and Landon Clark, Jackson and Leah Dukette, and Ethan and Sophia Amell; two exchange students, Romana Cabajova (from Slvekia) and Dulguun Bayaraa (Mongolia); along with his faithful, furry companion, Cruces.

Dave was preceded in death by both his parents, his brothers Gary (Joanne) Davis, Earl (Shirley) Dukette, James (Sharon) Dukette, and his sisters Elizabeth (Paul) Larche, Rita (Leonard) Reandeau, Loretta (Jalbert) Lavoie, and Ester (Ronald) Lamica.

Dave will be greatly missed by many and is forever in our hearts. Calling hours will be Thursday, February 10, 2022, at 11 a.m., with a noon memorial service to follow at the Tupper Lake Christian Community Church. After the service, a reception will be held at the Knights of Columbus, with tequila shots on Dave. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Tupper Lake Fire Department, Rescue and/or the Tupper Lake Dive Rescue.