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JoAnn C. Sheridan, 74

Dan McClelland

JoAnn Sheridan.jpg

On Thursday, January 21, 2021 JoAnn C. Sheridan, a loving mother of two children, passed away at the age of 74.

Born in Tupper Lake on November 30, 1946, JoAnn resided in the Glens Falls area before retiring to The Villages, FL in 2010.

A fully dedicated and loving mother, JoAnn was adored by her sons, who enjoyed spending time with her in Florida and on trips to Colorado, California, and around the country.

JoAnn had a great sense of style and loved decorating her home, where she could often be found with her nose buried in a book, making jewelry, playing word games, or watching a movie. She was known for her warmhearted spirit, eternal kindness, and infectious smile.

JoAnn was preceded in death by her father, Bernie, and her mother Ruth. She is survived by her two sons, Todd and Dave, her two brothers Mark and Paul, and several cousins, nieces, and nephews. She will be dearly missed.

A memorial service is being planned in her honor later this year.

Online condolences and messages to the family can be made at https://baldwincremation.