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Dale Laramee, 81

Dan McClelland


Dale R. Laramee, 81, of 2100 Kings Highway, Port Charlotte, Florida died Monday, September 7, 2020 after a brief illness. 

He was born December 1, 1938 in Tupper Lake, the son of the late Francis and Laura (Boyer) Laramee. He is predeceased by his wife of 33 years, Connie (Dodd) Laramee.

Dale graduated Tupper Lake High School in 1957, and proudly wore his class ring throughout his life. 

He joined the Army in 1958 and served in Korea with the 2nd Armored Division Hell on Wheels. 

He worked at Pratt & Whitney in East Hartford, CT for over 30 years, retiring in 1997 to care for his wife.

He enjoyed many sports, bowling and table tennis being his favorites.  In his retirement, he found shuffle board and won several tournaments.  He loved to play cards and listen to music.

He is survived by his brother, Ronald Laramee of Piercefield; his sister Arlene (Laramee) Northrop of Baldwinsville, N.Y.; his son, Darrin Laramee of Waterford, CT; three daughters: Gail and husband Steve Hooper of Gales Ferry, CT; Deborah and husband David Infante of Westerly, RI; and Leigh Ann Laramee and husband Nicola Ragozzino of Milan, Italy; seven grandchildren and many nieces and nephews.

A memorial mass will be held October 2, 2020 at St. Alphonsus Holy Name of Jesus Parish at 40 Marion Street, Tupper Lake.