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Donald Lawrence Keller, 81

Dan McClelland


Donald Lawrence Keller, 81, a proud lifelong native of Long Lake, New York went to be with the Lord on July 10, 2020. Donald, “Donnie,” was the son of Lawrence and Marie Keller and graduated from Long Lake Central School in 1956 before joining the Navy. Donnie returned to Long Lake working various jobs before forming his own company, Kickerville Construction.

He leaves behind his wife, Venita, son, Sam Keller, daughters Wendy Krom, Katherine (Katie) Slentz, Kristen (Kris) Lance, and Karrah (Boo) Gereau; stepsons, Dana and Scott Gagnier, sons in law, Kenneth Slentz, Michael Lance and Daniel Gereau, one daughter-in-law, Sherilea Keller, twenty two grandchildren, and eight great grandchildren. He was predeceased by his son, Donald (DJ) Keller.

Donnie was a licensed pilot and built his own airstrip. He was well-known in New York State as one of the most skilled grader operators of his time. He was an avid hunter and was famous among family and friends for his secret venison sausage and his clam dip. Donnie loved to sing and had a beautiful voice. He loved people and made friends with everyone he met.

A celebration of life will be held at a later date. In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to the Long Lake Wesleyan Church for the orphanage in Haiti that Donnie loved.